Happy Birthday Jeremiah

Saturday, June 13th was my son, Jeremiah's, first birthday. It's hard to believe he's been with us a whole year now. It seems like yesterday he came sliding into this world, so fast that if the midwife hadn't caught him, he would have cleared the table and landed in the floor. He hasn't slowed down since. I'm still getting used to being "Daddy". Sometimes it just hits me out of nowhere, "oh my God, I'm a father!" That is one of the most terrifying, and yet most rewarding, feelings it is possible to have. I never thought I could love anything so much. Every time he laughs or smiles at me, or looks right at me and says "Da-Da" my heart just melts. There are times I don't know whether I'm going to laugh or cry, but it's always a wonderful feeling to see that little smile and those blue eyes, and know they're all for me. Happy Birthday Jeremiah, and may you be around for many, many more to come.


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